SERENA d.o.o. is a family company with more than 27 years of experience. Our main priority is customer satisfaction.
To this end, we are continually expanding our range of brands, improving the quality of our services and upgrading the skills of staff. All employees perform their duties with full responsibility. Every individual is loyal to our company. We deal responsibly with our customers, employees and business partners.
Our motto is transparency and professionalism. Throughout the years of our company’s operation, we have created trust-based relationships with our partners. We are a financially stable company with our own capital.
In addition to sales, distribution, warehousing and transportation services, the company also performs sales promotion at points of sale.
The company is also registered for the distribution of Class I Medical Devices. The service is performed on the basis of the appropriate permits issued by the competent institutions and in accordance with the applicable legislation and good practice.
In the first year of operation, the company was engaged in the import and sale of educational toys, which were something completely new and different on the market at the time.
To ensure good and high-quality daily consumer goods.
We wish to offer more to our customers through certified ecological products, i.e. high-quality and health-friendly products.
Our vision is to become one of the leading partners in brand creation for our largest customers and to ensure, both on the national and international market, the supply of high-quality, affordable products to final consumers.
We aim to expand the sale of the products of our and foreign brands also to foreign markets